Shreyas Arts


At Shreyas Arts, our love and teaching of this rich art form are a means to instill love, dedication, and integrity in our students and a vehicle to give back to our community as cultural ambassadors. Our commitment to cultural diversity extends far beyond the Indian diaspora – to schools, colleges, religious centers, and various other cultural and community institutions. With this, we have created an inviting and inclusive cultural journey, open to all.

Our partnership with the Straz Arts Legacy Remix Program through the Straz Center for Performing Arts has enabled us to highlight the beauty of our culture in parallel to others of performance art. We have showcased our beautiful motherland – from Kashmir to Kanyakumari (Sheila’s paternal hometown!) – in a standalone three-hour presentation, and have also had the opportunity to participate in other events in a weaving of cultures representing Asia, the Caribbean, International Women’s Day, a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr (including a dance in the Bharatha Natyam style to gospel music!), and a splendid presentation of the art of storytelling. Our showcases have included regional classical and folk dance and music styles, fashion shows, rangoli, stories from India, food, and more. The pandemic was no limit to our commitment to community and diversity, and we were honored to produce “A Day in the Life of Shreyas Arts” for the Straz!